Imran to share 'future course of action' in Muridke's rally on Thursday

Imran to share 'future course of action' in Muridke's rally on Thursday


PTI to incept rallies from Thursday

LAHORE (Dunya News) – PTI chief Imran Khan said on Tuesday he would share his next plan of action completely during his rally in Muridke on Thursday.

Addressing via video link, he said he decided to start rallies from Wednesday but as he had to appear in courts, he would incept it on Thursday. “I want everyone nearby to join us so that I may share my next plan with you,” he added. 

He went on to say that he would share that how to get ourselves out of quagmire, how to set ourselves free truly, and how to snatch freedom and rights for no one gave freedom for free. “It is justice that safeguards human rights,” he added.

Mr Khan said nations with granted rights, and citizens with protected fundamental rights set themselves free. “Only free people and nations can fly high,” he added.

He observed that “we could not reach heights because we lived in slaver”. “We have two laws, one for the powerful and the other for weak,” he added.